Monday, March 17, 2014

Business Letter

Suppose, you work in a scientific instrument shop. You have received an order for some microscopes form one of your Clients. But you are presently running short of microscopes. Write a request letter to the client to wait for a week.

June 8, 2014
Rita Scientific Instrument Shop
27, Elephant Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

You gave an order for some microscopes for your laboratory. But I am sorry to say that all our microscopes have been sold. No microscope is left in our shop at present. We have sent our men to buy microscopes for sour shop.

Within a week, microscopes will be available. You have to wait this week to get your desired products. We are sorry for your inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.

Unique Scientific Stores.

20, Tikatuly Road Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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