Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Writing a Letter- Formal Letters

Imagine, you have passed S.S.C Examination this year. You intend to get yourself admitted into a college. So, you require a testimonial to get admitted there. Now, write an application to the Head teacher of your school for a testimonial.

12 February, 2014
The Head teacher
Amlagachhi B. M High School.
Palashbari, Gaibandha.

Subject: Application for a testimonial.

This is to inform you that I had been truly lucky to have the opportunity to study as a student of your renowned school for the last five years. I passed the S.S.C. examination from your school in 2014 from Science group bearing Roll Gaibandha – 151542, Reg No. -213115, Session 2012-2013 obtained GPA-5 Now wish to get myself admitted into a renowned college. So I need a testimonial from you to complete my admission procedure.
I would therefore, like to request you to issue me a testimonial referring to my character academic records and other activities during the period I was in your school and oblige thereby.

I remain,
Your must obedient Pupil,

Roll No – 151542

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